Two articles have captured our mood for early-Jan.: Andrew Kennedy’s opinion piece about Toronto losing its soul along with its artists, and The New York Times Style Magazine’s advice column that “solves your problems using art”. If you, like us, are pondering both of these big issues, give them a read.

Read on for picks for incredibly affordable works under $200 for your collection, and may art find you this year!
Art finds for under $200

By: Jill Huang
RENT: $75/month
BUY: $200
By: Frances Hahn
BUY: $175

By: Jana Ghalayini
BUY: $200
I Am Under Construction
By: Sarah Klawiter
BUY: $165

By: Donny Nie
BUY: $150
Night Train To Deoli
By: Keerthana Jayakumar
BUY: $200

By: Devon Pryce
BUY: $160
By: Lucy Hare
BUY: $175