Congratulations to David Brandy who has had two images (one shown above) selected to be included in a short list of 19 artists who will exhibit their work in the York Art Gallery (UK) from May 27-Sept 28, 2021 for the upcoming Aesthetica Art Prize 2021. “Artists are the chroniclers of our times. Through work that digests the very nature of life in the 21st century, we are able to question further, make sense of and unite in this time of uncertainty and change. Human history has been re-written, and we are living in that moment right now.” – York Art Gallery Brandy will also be a featured speaker as part of the virtual Future Now Symposium (April 28–May 1) on May 1st at 11 AM EST where he and international artists will speak about this prize. Register for Future Now Symposium 2021 (from £20), and find Brandy’s work on Partial at davidbrandy.partial.gallery. |