In this monthly series Partial’s Community Engagement Lead, Mina shares her top picks for artist opportunities across Canada. Check out May’s featured open calls.

Pouch Cove Public Art Project: Call for Artists
Deadline: May 12, 2023
The Pouch Cove Public Art Committee invites Canadian professional artists to submit an “Expression of Interest” for a temporary outdoor three-dimensional public artwork to be featured in the centre of the community of Pouch Cove, Newfoundland. The selected artwork will be displayed for 12 months with ownership rights remaining with the artist. Artists may indicate if the submission is for existing work (completed within the last five years) or proposed new work.
More information can be found here.
Queer Histories, Queer Stories: Call for Video Projection Artists
Deadline: May 14, 2023
The Museum of North Vancouver is looking for a video media artist to engage in a unique project celebrating queer history.
The artist will create four short videos (3-5 minutes long each) to be used as projections over live drag performances. The content of these videos will use images and film from The Museum of North Vancouver’s Archives. Each video will be developed through archival research, in collaboration with the museum’s Programs staff and the drag performers.
More information can be found here.
2023 PLATFORM Photography: Call for Applications
Deadline: May 31, 2023, midnight CDT
The 2023 PLATFORM Photography Award aims to assist the recipient in their creation of new lens-based work (photography and video). To be eligible for this award you must be based in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Current students are not eligible.
The winner of this award will receive:
- $3000 CAD
- a one-year PLATFORM membership
- one-year access to PLATFORM’s black and white darkrooms
- feature on PLATFORM’s website
- travel support for out of province applicants
- a solo exhibition in PLATFORM’s Gallery 2
More information can be found here.
Community Arts Fund: Call for Applications
Deadline: June 1, 2023, 11:59 PM PST
The Community Arts Fund grant provides support for the planning, creation, and execution of projects that focus on building community through arts-related engagement. Both organisations and individuals may apply to create projects that will help to build bridges of understanding, community confidence, and support in the City of Vancouver. Projects that serve the Downtown Eastside (DTES) community will receive special consideration as the fund was originally founded on supporting the DTES and has since expanded to reach the wider City of Vancouver community.
Individuals and organisations can request up to $5,000. Depending on how funding is allocated to other projects, you may receive more or less funding than you originally applied for.
More information can be found here.
Animating Historic Sites: Call for Applications
Deadline: July 4, 2023
Toronto Arts Council’s Animating Historic Sites program provides funding to arts organizations, collectives or professional artists to re-imagine and animate selected Toronto History Museums, Evergreen Brick Works and Black Creek Pioneer Village.
This program provides funding to professional artists, arts organisations and collectives working in any artistic discipline (i.e.: theatre, dance, music, visual arts, media arts, community-engaged arts, Indigenous arts, Black arts, disability arts, arts education, literary arts, etc.) to pursue time-limited projects involving site-specific research, development, creation, production, presentation, and programming that responds to or interprets the selected site or museum. This grant may cover up to 100% of project costs, including artist fees, equipment rental, materials, and other project costs.
The maximum grant amount is $30,000.
More information can be found here.