In this monthly series Partial’s Community Engagement Lead, Mina shares her top picks for artist opportunities across Canada. Check out February’s featured open calls.

Carnival Arts Mural in Mirvish Village, Toronto: Call for Expressions of Interest
Deadline: March 20, 2023
Blackhurst Cultural Centre (BCC), in partnership with StreetARToronto (StART), invites street, mural and graffiti artists/collectives to submit an Expression of Interest for a large outdoor Carnival Arts mural to be installed in the new Mirvish Village.
The mural is a unique community engagement project intended to serve as a billboard of information on Caribbean culture in Canada and become a cultural destination and tourist attraction.
Your Expression of Interest submission is the first stage in a two-stage process. An arms-length jury will select five applicants who will each be awarded a design fee of $1,500.00 to prepare and submit a design.
More information can be found here.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon 2023: Call for Submissions
Deadline: March 31, 2023
Become a featured artist in Nuit Blanche Saskatoon 2023. Nuit Blanche Saskatoon is a free, night-time arts festival that showcases and celebrates art and culture. Overtaking multiple venues and public spaces throughout Saskatoon’s core neighbourhoods, the festival will feature sculptures, installations, performances, music, theatre, visual arts, poetry, projections, and other contemporary art forms. The festival allows people of all ages to engage with Saskatoon’s thriving arts scene while safely exploring public spaces late into the night.
Accepting proposals for new work, as well as pre-existing/in-process projects due to time and budget restraints. They are looking for art that falls into at least one of the four categories: interactive, transformative, perspective, connection.
More information can be found here.
North Van Arts Exhibition Proposals 2024 Season: Call for Artists
Deadline: April 11, 2023
North Van Arts is currently accepting exhibition proposals for 2024 season at CityScape Community ArtSpace.
All exhibitions at CityScape Community ArtSpace are group shows; all proposals submitted should be for three artists or more.
More information can be found here.
Toronto Arts Council Grant: Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship
Deadline: April 24, 2023
Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship program provides support for newcomer and refugee artists to develop their artistic practice and to further their integration and inclusion to Toronto. We define a newcomer as: an immigrant or refugee who has lived in Canada for less than 7 years; a refugee is a person who was forced to leave their home country and is now located in Canada.
The program provides funding for individual newcomer and refugee professional* artists to be mentored (guided) in their chosen arts discipline. The total grant amount is $10,000.
The mentorship application is submitted by the newcomer artist with the mentor as the co-applicant. Both the applicant and the mentor must identify as professional* artists.
More information can be found here.
Arts Infrastructure Grant for New and Emerging Artists (New Brunswick Artists)
Deadline: August 1, 2023
The Arts Infrastructure Grants for Emerging Artists program is a project-based program designed to provide one-time capital acquisition to emerging New Brunswick artists to acquire equipment that will enable them to complete a project and strengthen their long-term artistic development.
More information can be found here.