Since the beginning, Partial has donated 1% of art sales and rentals to a non-profit organization as part of our commitment to spotlight and support meaningful causes in our community. It’s been our honour in the past to support organizations like SKETCH Working Arts and the Indigenous Curatorial Collective who are doing important work in the arts and culture space in Canada.
This year, we are doing something a little different. For 2023, we have shifted our charitable contribution focus to a cause that affects all Canadians, and that is the well-being of the natural world around us. And as artists from across Canada join us, it felt important to champion a cause that we can rally around together.
It being Earth Month, it is fitting to share that Partial’s 2023 charity of choice is the David Suzuki Foundation. Partial will be donating 1% of art sales and rentals to the Canadian science-based non-profit environmental organization.
The beauty of Nature has been a source of inspiration for us all in our daily lives, and has moved artists and creators to create works of art inspired by the world around us. We must remember to protect and advocate for the protection of Canada’s natural beauty today, as it is already almost too late.
One nature. We are nature. All people, and all species.
David Suzuki Foundation
We are interconnected with nature, and with each other. What we do to the planet and its living creatures, we do to ourselves. This is the fundamental truth guiding our work at the David Suzuki Foundation.
Founded in 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation is a national, bilingual non-profit organization headquartered in Vancouver, with offices in Toronto and Montreal. As a small group with an international focus, the David Suzuki Foundation has become Canada’s most trusted environmental organization, with a history of success in promoting solutions to pressing environmental problems.
Through evidence-based research, education and policy analysis, the foundation works to conserve and protect the natural environment, and help create a sustainable Canada. Climate change is rapidly affecting our world today, and there’s still time to limit worsening impacts.
In honour of the David Suzuki Foundation , discover ‘Nature’s Wonders’, a curated collection by our team. Marvel at the kaleidoscope of colours, forms, and depths of works that remind us of the importance – and urgency – to protect our beautiful planet and its unique living things.
Nature’s Wonders, A Curated Collection
They Walk a Well Beaten Path, Kim Gullion Stewart, 16″ x 20″, Limited edition giclee print (right).
The Dreamer, Patrice Carmichael, 30″ x 30″ x 1″, Oil on wood (right).
Browse Nature’s Wonders, a collection inspired by the David Suzuki Foundation
To learn more about Partial and diverse, emerging artists from across Canada and their work, visit our website or get in touch with us.
Explore the many valuable (and accessible) resources on the David Suzuki website on things that you can do starting today:
- Sign a petition: Protect Canada’s forests from degradation
- Your voice at the table: A guide to mobilizing local government climate action
- Learning about Land Back
- Ten Ways to Build a Community
- Become a Citizen Activist
- Four Places to Cut Your Carbon
As Spring blooms across the country, we invite you to find wonder in the beauty of our natural world, we invite you to discover our latest curated collection inspired by the David Suzuki Foundation. Consider some things that you can do in your home to live more sustainably this Earth Month, and we hope you find a moment to appreciate nature this season!
Tammy, Chris, Mina, and the team at Partial